Sandy Aths Membership
Yearly Membership Fees
There are a number of different membership types available depending on the type of competition you are interested in. If you have questions or are unsure which membership you require, please get in touch with our Welcoming Officer, Kathy Tanojevic.
All memberships need to be ordered through the Athletics Victoria Members Portal. All costs are bundled together as one payment. Alternatively, you can purchase a membership and add in competition packages at a later stage.
A breakdown of the fees structure is below.
Athlete - Open
SAC $150 + AV $185
Recreational Runner
SAC $90 +
AV $10
Athlete - Junior (ages 12-19)
SAC $120 + AV $145
Alternative 1st Claim Athlete
SAC $100 +
AV $40
Social Member
SAC $0 + AV $45
Coach or Official
Must hold accreditation
Membership Perks
Athlete members will have access to high level coaching at Sandringham and are entitled to full access of the facilities during club training hours, including the track, equipment and on-site gym. Members will also have access to an exclusive online resource section where our coaches and sponsors will provide valuable information to assist with your training, such as foam rolling techniques, nutrition advice and recovery techniques.
Check out our facilities for more information about the Sandringham Athletics track and club facilities.
Competition Packages
Competition packages cover entry fees for all Cross-country (XCR) rounds and AV Shield League competitions (summer Track & Field). You can purchase either XCR of AVSL individually, or for a discount you can purchase the Max package if you intend or competing across both winter and summer season.
Competition packages need to be ordered through the Athletics Victoria Members Portal. If you have already purchased a Base Membership you can still add these packages on at a later date.
Age Comp.
$180 XCR
$145 T&F
$235 Max
Age Comp.
$135 XCR
$125 T&F
$205 Max
Recreational Runners
The Recreational Runner membership package includes use of the track, a Rec Run Team singlet, coaching programs and use of the in-track timing sensors every 50m along the track. Coaching by track and specialised rec running coaches is available for additional fees.
This membership is ideal for people who would like to join a casual running group, have coaching support to reach their fitness goals, or participate in running events such as park run or Melbourne running festival.
Note: it does not permit gym or clubroom access, or track use during athlete member training hours.
Sandringham Little Athletics
Sandringham Little Athletics Centre (SLAC) is a community-minded club with a strong culture and skill development platform encouraging athletes of all abilities to learn the basic fundamentals of sport: running, throwing and jumping. They cater for children aged 5 to 15 of all abilities and promote fun with family and friends in an environment encouraging inclusion, good sportsmanship and a healthy lifestyle.
Competition is held at the Sandringham Athletics Track on Saturday mornings from October to March, and some Friday night twilights. Coaching is also available on Wednesday nights from 4-6pm. For more information, please contact the club directly.
Website: https://www.sandringhamlac.com.au
Email: sandringham@lavic.com.au